Stella Estrella Astronomy Club

Main Sequence

This is an H-R Diagram 


You can find Antares in the upper right hand corner.

These are the Zones of a Star

Antares, like all stars, have these same zones.

Basic Parts of a Star

The basic parts of a star include; Core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, sunspots, chromosphere, transition region, corona.

The Star Antares and why it's in its Location on the H-R Diagram

The Star Antares does not fall in the main sequence like our Sun does.  At this time Antares is roughly 80 million years old, and its reaching the end of its life.  Antares is a red super giant but at one time it was just a blue giant. Antares became so large because as its hydrogen fuel ran out, the star cooled and began to expand. The reason why Antares did not expand when it was in its main sequence is because when a star is in that stage of its life, the internal outward pressure and the pull of gravity is equal. As Antares's core runs out of hydrogen fuel it will swell up as it began to fuse other elements. Right now as we see Antares, it is on the verge of running out of elements to fuse. When it does run out Antares will end its life with a super nova. The star will then collapse in on itself and for a black hole.   Below you will find another Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram that I created.
Here is our home-made H-R diagram, created with the Pages application.